Definder - what does the word mean?

What is manne?

A person who can never be trusted at anything . He's a liar and selfish and filled with ego . A person who is attracted to sexual activities too much is mann .
A mann is also a showoff person who always tells every one about his things and money . He does not care about a person until he is gaining something from him/her .
Be aware stay away from mann !

If you are an asshole you are mann .

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manne - meme gif

manne meme gif

manne - video


Manne - what is it?

The superior version for typing "Man". When you are typing "Man", add an extra N to it, Mann.

"I will be your wingmann"
"I love menn"

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What does "manne" mean?

Pronounced with an extra long 'nnnnn' to prevent unnecessary confusion, this term is used to refer to a friend or acquiantance who knows about drugs. Any type of drug. Why the gov'ment is corrupt and should legalise them. Which you should stick in your eyes. Which you should stick in your rectum. And so on.

Person A: Dude, smoking weed is boring, can we stick it in our eyeballs?
Person B: Don't know man, you better ask Joe, he's the Mann.
Person A: The man?
Person B: No, the MANN.
Person A: Joe, can we stick weed in our eyes?
Joe: By all means, but it won't get you high. Not a bit. Fancy a joint?
Person A: Thanks Joe, you're the Mann.
Joe: I know, man.

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Manne - what does it mean?

To keep a relationship a secret for fear of Religious retribution by the girls angry father.

"Dude, I've been manning my girl for three years now, from what I've heard of her dad, he's one bad motherfucker"

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Manne - meaning

Mann means the way of vibing

Person 1: aye yo bruh wyd

Person 2: I’m being very Mann right now

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Manne - definition

To cry, complain, or argue something that most people would find pointless. Also an synonym to someone who is a band-aid and can't take a hit even though they are the biggest person on the field/court. Originated from Ben and Jason Mann who are well know for this.

Man, I tweaked my ankle so I don't think I'm going to play basketball for a month cause I'm scared its going to get wrecked" "Shut up, stop pulling a Mann

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Manne - slang

Norwegian for man.

se en mann!

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manly man

look at that mann

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large, fearsome, A wicked man who encumpasses all that is evil. An individual not to be crossed dont give him boltcroppers

Yo r u da Mann, dont fook wid the mann

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Mann are people of Jatt origin and are fierce warriors. Usually a good skin tone and height runs in this last names breed. As fearsome as one can be and are one of the top last names in the jatt caste. Jatt ah. Mann’a di shaan puri ah

Hey Mann Saab

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