Definder - what does the word mean?

What is manginity?

The state of having problems with your mangina during that special week of the month when your mangina starts to bleed out for no apparent reasons.

A:sorry guys i cant go out i have some manginal trouble today.

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manginity - meme gif

manginity meme gif

manginity - video


Manginity - what is it?

The manliest form of man. One must lose some to gain some: lose the virginity gain the manginity. This is said to carry over to the after life with only those who posses the highest form of manliness.

After Chris and his sister got wasted at their home coming game, Chris forced his sister to give him his manginity.

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What does "manginity" mean?

an open phrase when defining something/one in a rush, or someone whom looks extremely good.

"wow did you see that car, it was proper mangin'"

"Person 1: she looks so pretty,
Person 2: oh yeah, she is mangin"

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Manginity - what does it mean?

one who suffers from the ownership of a mangina.

My buddy totally gets aches and pains from his manginitis issues... oh and hes a fag.

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Manginity - meaning

Inflamation of the Mangina

Jerry suffered from a bad case of Manginitis.

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Manginity - definition

It's something you lose when any straight guy takes it up the bum from any other guy- straight or gay.

Chris lost his manginity to Andy one drunken night in the back of Volkswagen. Neither of them told their girlfriends about the incident.

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Manginity - slang

a mans ass virginity

Dude he took your manginity!
Ramos going to take your manginity when you turn 20 dawg!!!

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A self-inflicted irritaion of the mangina brought on by a fag pretending to be straight.

Joe - "Jason has manginitis again."

Mark - "He should just come out. Everyone knows he's a fag."

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The act of creating or repairing useful items employing the materials at hand. Mostly practiced by men, it is often criticized by those who aren't able to come up with solutions anywhere near as practical. Common mangineering supplies include duct tape, bailing wire, zip ties, and PVC pipe.

Sally and Tom were stranded in the middle of nowhere because their car wouldn't run. Sally stomped her feet and shouted "Girl Power!", but for some reason it still wouldn't run. Tom used his mangineering skills and fixed the problem with duct tape while Sally rolled her eyes.

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Something you lose when you go to prison/jail.

Meatwad lost his manginity the first night, but at least he was Hector's bitch from then on out.

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