Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mallowed?

to eat in a hurried manner

I mallowed down that kebab

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mallowed - meme gif

mallowed meme gif

mallowed - video


Mallowed - what is it?

The thing dudeman simps for

Hey dudeman, I just animated a four second long gif of mallow getting squished by a thwomp!

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What does "mallowed" mean?

This word is used to describe someone who is cute, sweet and can hold the title of cutest cutie, mostly used for males, specifically ones who have the name of Leon, they are possibly the best person you could have as a partner, they can easily make your day better just by greeting you.

If you have a Mallow in your life then you are very lucky, perfect boyfriend material.

Have you seen that Mallow over there, he is perfect in all ways.

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Mallowed - what does it mean?

noun: A useless character from the game Super Mario RPG. Cries to make rain fall from the sky as his attacks, he is renown for being menstrual. The name should be capitalized by modern English rules, but the character doesn't deserve it. synonymous with 'vagina'

Dude, all you do is bitch and moan, stop being such a mallow.

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Mallowed - meaning

A person who roasts the marshmallow.

Hey, I heard that kid was a terrific mallower. Make me a smore kid.

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Mallowed - definition

The somewhat melted state a marshmallow takes after being roasted on an open fire.

"Hey Phil, stick this mallow between that chocolate and graham crackers to make a s'more."

"Ouch, I burned my mouth on that mallow."

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Mallowed - slang

The prince of Nimbus Land who was left with Frogfucious when he was a baby. Until Mario came along and discovered his true past, Mallow thought he was a tadpole who wasn't very talented. He was basically the offensive mage in Super Mario RPG.

Use Mallow's lightning attack to defeat multiple foes.

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1.) when the support character has more lines than the main actor
2.) when the support character is used more like the main character.

the main character is silent, But the Partner, For example, has a massive story revolving around this Support character. And thus, has More lines. And also Thus, Being a Mallow

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the act of wallowing in self pity through the consumption of marshmallows.

Sarah came home to an empty apartment and found herself mallowing in bed alone.

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when one man ejaculates on a woman's bosom and another man does the same thing to another lady and the two females squish their boobs together in a back and forth motion.

We totally mallowed out in the graveyard with the Russian models we found in the back of the Denny's bathroom Saturday night.

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