Definder - what does the word mean?

What is maid of the mist?

(V) right before the point of male ejaculation, the male positions himself behind a normal household fan, and erupts into the back of the speeding fan, whilst the female graciously awaits the delicious mist of nut nectar all over her face

After I fucked Sarah, i blew my load all over her like The Maid Of The Mist

👍105 👎37

maid of the mist - video


Maid of the mist - what is it?

When you're banging a dudes wife, and the cuckholded chap cracks a Miller highlife in approval, and the gentle spray serenades your swinging scrotum.

"Cheers brother, enjoy this maid of the mist... and my wife"

👍25 👎13

What does "maid of the mist" mean?

It's when a guy sprays his jizz onto a girl's face through a strainer.

After visiting Niagra Falls, Bob gave Jill a maid of the mist for the full experience.

👍25 👎11