Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lyvia?

A emo dreams tan mostly favorite sentence "nobody asked" (it's not funny)

Lyvia is not funny

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lyvia - meme gif

lyvia meme gif

lyvia - video


Lyvia - what is it?

Has the biggest dick energy of the century. Is also a poo face.

Lyvia Barber is a poo face.

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What does "lyvia" mean?

A girl who likes turkey.

Lyvia loves turkey!!

👍33 👎33

Lyvia - what does it mean?

A whale that sit's on my couch

let's get a couch that's lyvia proof.

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Lyvia - meaning

Someone who cannot comprehend the concept of walking across a level floor without falling a few dozen times.

*BANG* Me: Oh looks like Lyvia got here early today.

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Lyvia - definition

Lyvia os the coolest girl you'll ever met. Rare girl and a candy lover. Can fix in the Aoife .

" Lyvia is awesome. "

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Lyvia - slang

Lyvia is the most angelic, divine, funny, and gorgeous girl you'll ever meet. She has this cute expression on her face when she talks to you, and her eyes shine brighter than any source of light in the universe its almost blinding. She's a bit shy and quiet at first, but when she trusts you and opens up to you, she's the funniest and cool person you'll ever meet. She's very forgiving and kind, and genuinely the most beautiful person ever. Everyone should have a Lyvia in their life, she's so full of love and sweetness its almost unbearable, you'll never wanna lose her.

person 1: "Look it's Lyvia! Isn't she so pretty?"
person 2: "Oh my God yes, she's so beautiful wow"

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bestie westie grestie nestie festie testie.

u are my lyvia.

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