Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ludicely?

ludic is a very crazy and funny word made by glupic and sedam. You say it when you do something crazy(not so crazy)

glupic: e hocemol na prvi
sedam: de ba
sedam i glupic: ma ludic

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ludicely - meme gif

ludicely meme gif

ludicely - video


Ludicely - what is it?

An eccentric method of depicting the operation in which two individuals participate in intercourse vis-à-vis the oral cavities of both participants establishing contact with the other's phallic and/or vaginal structure in a reciprocal manner.

a.k.a. 69

Person 1: Want to 69?
Person 2: Of course my love! Within this system of the global social factory, my ingenious logistical adaptability has enabled me to perform the Ludic Loop to perfection!

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What does "ludicely" mean?

word frequently used in the place of ridic because my friends got annoyed by it, more extreme form of ridic

"she made the team?"
"thats LUDIC!"

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Ludicely - what does it mean?

It's a person worth fighting for. She loves life and people, she does whatever is necessary to please people. She's outgoing and beautiful.

"A ludicely loves chocolate"

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Ludicely - meaning

An abbreviation for the word ludacris. Also used as a substitute for the word ludiculous.

Those shoes are ludic.

Your ass is soo big, it's ludic.

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