Definder - what does the word mean?

What is love beans?

1. Slang for the male prostate gland.

2. Also could be referring to a single testicle.

Jenny started rubbing my love bean, and I said, WTF bitch start sucking my dick.

👍43 👎71

love beans - video


Love beans - what is it?

The male ejaculate, the semen, the man-porridge, cum, spunk

Lorraine Kelly is so sexy on Breakfast TV with that well spread cleavage... I had no choice but to tug the head off of my Old Man and spill my 'Love Beans' all over the carpet!

👍47 👎31

What does "love beans" mean?

Another name for the class A drug, Ecstasy, pills.

"Love beans mate?"
"Love 'em mate."
*bosh bosh bosh*

👍109 👎37