Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lo mo?

hong kong best foul language

diu nei lo mo , you do this wrong again la haiya

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lo mo - video


Lo mo - what is it?

The equivalent of "Fuck your mum's smelly pussy"

Friend: Ur mom gay
Me: Diu nei lo mo chau hai

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What does "lo mo" mean?

Cantonese slang for the direct English translation of 'Mother Board'. Proper Cantonese term is Dai Barn (meaning bottom board or lower board). Lo Mo means mother but is a rude way to say it and can be interpreted as swearing.

Chinese Geek: Wei look at my new Lo Mo Barn!

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Lo mo - what does it mean?

This is a common term used in China, specifically in hong kong or other canton populated areas. This literally translates in english to "F*ck your mother."

It is commonly used, when you are obligated to help someone, or you find someone's performance is below standard, or dissatisfaction.

This can also be expressed as," Diu lay lo mo ah!" Which is the same but with the "ah!", it expresses a deeper meaning/feeling.

Phonetical pronunciation: "Delay no more"

Jeff: hey man you got a dollar I can borrow?
Ed: Diu lay lo mo!
Jeff: dood, i always spot you with money!
Ed: Diu lay lo mo ah!

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Lo mo - meaning

chinese for 'go fuck your mother'

Girl 1: Ew you look so stupid.
Girl 2: ... DIEU LAY LO MO!

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Lo mo - definition

"Diu Nei Lo Mo!" ("fuck your mother") is a highly offensive profanity in Cantonese when directed against a specific person instead of used as a general exclamation. In contrast to the English phrase "fuck your mother", which indicates that the person being attacked commits incest with his own mother, the Cantonese expression has the implied meaning of "I fuck your mother".

Peter: "This song reminds me of my girlfriend back in Guangzhou."
Joel: "That song reminds me of your girlfriend too, if you know what I mean."
Peter: "DIU NEI LO MO!"

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Lo mo - slang

Lei Lo Mo is an insult only used by the Chinese. This insult is also known as Your Mother in english. Lei Lo Mo is a commonly used in the Chinese culture and it has now slowly begun to spread westwards to ward the Indian cultures

Josh: Rishi, I always hear you use the term Your Mother.
Rishi: Yes, it's such a good word
Josh: Well, there is a better way to say it.
Rishi: How?

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Lo mo

Abbreviation for the term "low mohawk", describing a rather trendy, new age hair style. Sported by such superstars as Robert De Niro and David Beckham.

Excuse me, sir, but you will have to leave the premises. The sign clearly states, "no lo-mo haircuts allowed".

Californian Panzy: "Hey can I get a lo-mo?"
Hairdresser: "What the HELL is that?!"

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Lo mo

The feeling of having low motivation

"Hey, are you going to study for your test tomorrow?"
"I don't know man, I'm feeling pretty lo-mo"

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Lo mo

when you have experinced the taste of somthing that is beyond compare,

Like when you eat a bacon samich with 8 pieces of bacon with a slice of cheeze and an egg. You say, man this mug was LO MO...

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