Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lillee?

ur gay ass friends. Dahlia is very hot, Lillee is mildly attractive. Often dahlia gets laid but lillee talks to dahlia to get hooked up with some damn hot ass woman.


Dahlia: i just got laid
Lillee: and im still drawing idiot
Dahlia:fuck you

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lillee - meme gif

lillee meme gif

lillee - video


Lillee - what is it?

A hot tiger that will rip ur shorts off

Whoa that girl I such tiger lillee

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What does "lillee" mean?

A Queen who can be feisty but will be your best friend.

Damn you are such a Lillee

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Lillee - what does it mean?

The sweetest, smartest, nicest girl you will ever meet. Her beauty is so much that sometimes everything else around just fades away leaving only her. She will always be nice despite what happens.

Wow that girl is so nice and sweet, she must be named lillee

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Lillee - meaning

she is a nice but an angry person at times. when you get the chance to meet her you will end up as bffs or more.

hey or kind and angry your name must be lillee

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Lillee - definition

Kind loving a bit crazy but will be your best friend for forever

Your as sweet as a flower your name must be lillee

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Lillee - slang

Fucking amazing

Sexy as fuck


Lovely personality

Better than a flower

Hey, you're really amazing. Your name must be Lillee

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