Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lilie-Anne?

amazing sexy bosss ass bitchhh
best person to be around
amazing personality
great sence of humour,
has huge penis
all around sexy ass person to be with
also makes amazing gf, always shows she cares, and
loves you, and isn't afraid to show it
if you have a friend named Lili-Anne you are a lucky person.

Lili-Anne is the best personnn in the world

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lilie-Anne - meme gif

lilie-Anne meme gif

lilie-Anne - video


Lilie-Anne - what is it?

A lovely woman who isn't always the smartest. She cries over almost everything, especially skinny white boys with nicotine addictions. She is a great friend and can pull many guys, but she had terrible taste in them.

Hey ur about as stupid as Lily Ann Gabrielle Nasser.

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What does "lilie-Anne" mean?

A shy girl who is so Beautiful you will love her

Lily Ann is prett

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Lilie-Anne - what does it mean?

A really bent girl, but she’s actually sound. She’s missing half of hair hair but it’s chill cuz she’s just as ketty as her hair cut. She is the General of the Traffic cone army and therefore you should only address her as General Caley. Lilie-Anne loves it when u suck her toes as that is the only phrase that she says. She has two ketty kids Lorie and monty. She claims she dosent have a favourite but it’s clearly monty. Me and lilie-Anne got a divorce and she took the kids. Please lilie-Anne let me have my kids back

Me: Lilie-Anne let me see the kids!
Lilie-Anne: Suck my toes!

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Lilie-Anne - meaning

amazing sexy bosss ass bitch
best person to be around
amazing personality
great sence of humour,
has huge penis
all around sexy ass person to be with
also makes amazing gf, always shows she cares, and loves you, and isn't afraid to show it

if you have a friend named lily-ann you are a lucky person

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