Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lehua?

they think they look good but they need to take a second or maybe even a third look at themselves, cause we all see the real them which is as: skanks, sluts, hoes, easy, scandalous, trashy, nasty, dirty, filthy whores that cant find their own men. Get real, get a life, and get over yourselves.


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lehua - meme gif

lehua meme gif

lehua - video


Lehua - what is it?

She's the type of girl that dates the really hot guys, she's from Hawaii but shes 0% Hawaiian, she hates everyone, she talks back to subsitute teachers, she hates school but gets good grades, shes very asian, hangs tight to the people she loves, hates fake friends.

wow look at lehua, she gets whatever she wants. that girl is pimpin.

👍27 👎21

What does "lehua" mean?

Lehua a beautiful women. she looks down at her self but you always need to remind her she is beautiful. has a boyfriend named Jonathan. She is kind. She is nice to other kids getting hated on or being bullied. Even tho she hangs out with the people that bully. she will keep your secrets.

1: is that a Lehua?
2: I think so she is so sweet.

👍31 👎13

Lehua - what does it mean?

very beautiful outgoing person who's down for anything but major pot head. care's alot for her friends and family and has alot of love for people especially you can trust her alot.

gosh look at lehua

👍127 👎45

Lehua - meaning

c*nt muscle.

doctor: you seem to have a tumur on your lehua.
you: damn fucking lehua.

dude: eww what is that?
dudet: thats just my hairy lehua

👍29 👎101

Lehua - definition

the pimpist girl in town

damn lehua is flossin

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