Definder - what does the word mean?

What is last samurai?

to enter into an unknown culture, work your way up in the ranks incredibly quickly, and eventually dominate at a skill that others have worked for decades to perfect

I don't know how it happened so fast, I totally Last Samuraid it.

Dude, this girl has last samuraid me out of absolutely nowhere.

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last samurai - video


Last samurai - what is it?

A girl (or guy) with the samurai haircut, or man bun, or boy girl bun, or the name people call their haircut, since they're not the only one with the haircut, they're not the last samurai, they're the next to last samurai.

She's the next to last samurai, she's gonna slice and dice you with a katana.

👍25 👎11

What does "last samurai" mean?

When a weeb who's never been anywhere near Japan feels like they have to protect every facet of Japanese culture even though they don't actually know anything about Japanese culture beyond what they see in anime.

"Dude....Why's that Evangelion T-Shirt wearing neckbeard over there screaming at someone because they said they didn't like sushi?"

"He's suffering from a case of Last Samurai Syndrome."

👍65 👎11

Last samurai - what does it mean?

Non-Japanese people who think they are only ones who can save Japan from any criticism of the country as mild as it could be.

"That's a very funny looking bath tub" - Buddymate
"Yeah and that bee larvae is disgusting" - Boring In Japan
"Respect the culture!" - Random Weeb
"What's with him?" - Buddymate
"He has Last Samurai Syndrome" - Boring in Japan

👍29 👎11

Last samurai - meaning

The Last Samurai Syndrome is a syndrome where it is best associated to a certain type of weebs that are so obnoxious about defending any criticism of the Japanese Culture whether they have been there or not.

Jared! Look at this idiot over there, he has The Last Samurai Syndrome.

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Last samurai - definition

Dances with Wolves, minus Kevin Costner.

Meh. The whole premise has been seem before, but it was still a decent movie.

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Last samurai - slang

when in the process of eating a stack of pancakes, the final pankake usually soaked in syrup, is known as the last samurai.

are you going to finish the last samurai? nah, ive already had enough pancakes.

👍45 👎29

Last samurai

A game played with a group of friends in which the challenge is to be the last one left at a place you wouldn't want to be, such as the site of a recent crime.

When played correctly, the game invites certain doom and dire consequences, much like a samurai charge on horseback up a hill into a line of riflemen and automatic Gatling guns.

"Dude, shouldn't we get going? The cops are nearly here!"
"No man, let's just stay here and play last samurai."

"Lol Chris won that game of last samurai after we took turns pissing in the club. He didn't run til he saw security coming!"

"Man Andrew was truly the last samurai when we went camping. We saw some wolves approaching and decided to play last samurai. ...he's still there."

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