Definder - what does the word mean?

What is

Stopping an embarrassing song right before the halfway point so that it won't scrobble and show on your profile.

Alice: I had better stop this K-pop song; it's at 2:04 and the song is 4:25.
Bob: Sounds like you've got paranoia.

👍165 👎19 - meme gif meme gif - video - what is it?

UK based internet radio and music community website. Members listen to music and that music is counted and placed in their personal library.

Person #1: Dude,my top artist on is Radiohead.
Person #2: Radiohead is everyone's top artist on

👍141 👎39

What does "" mean?

A social community that revolves around music. A way for the world to see what music makes you dance around like a loony. The profile tells everyone what bands the user listens to, how many times they've played songs, and you can add images by BBCode that relate to music.
One of these images is Scaicha which records the genres of everyting you listen to and calculates a score.
There are many things one can do with It looks at what you listen to and recommends similar bands.

Person A: Who the hell are Eighteen Visions?
Person B: My top artist on :)
Person A: I haven't heard of them!
Person B: Well recommended them and I think they're awesome

👍99 👎25 - what does it mean?

A dying music tracking website that was stripped of its social features on a fateful day in August 2015 AKA the discord server that holds the world record for most moderators on one server with victim complexes.

The server is a place where moderators here have had little to no power their whole lives in the real world, but now that at age 36 they can finally wield it from behind a keyboard to feel powerful muting other social rejects.

Raising any concern to the moderators is an act of violence against them, so if you see them being racist or classist it's best to just ignore it! But cut them some slack, if bragging and lying to teens online makes them feel like people think they're cool for the first time in their life in their mid to late 30's let's let grandma and grandpa enjoy their last few years before their dirt nap.

Before you join make sure you are ready to bring up the most traumatic events that have ever happened to you since to get through #verification channel you must participate in the trauma olympics to determine 'who has the worst life'. The mods will always win this challenge because anything that has happened to you has happened to them except 30x worse. No worries though, you will make it through win or lose.

The Discord server has so much to offer and the longer you're there the more things you will find, including someone having their NSFW reddit connected to their discord account where they are showing themself off for the (f)irst time <3

👍27 👎19 - meaning

A website in which your music is monitored and compared to other users. This is also the home for music play count whores.

"Hey dude! I just reached 10,000 total song plays on! I listen to a lot of music so therefore I'm cool!"

"Awesome, I have 15600 plays!"

👍161 👎67 - definition is a internet radio, music recommendation system, and it also keeps a detailed profile for each member of the site of all the songs you've played. You have to have the Audioscrobbler plugin installed on your music playing program though. The music recommendations are based on what songs you've listened to on it. The user's profile also keeps track of the last 10 songs you've played in the recent past. There is also a Journal function. You can join user groups. There is an option for paying 3 US dollars a month for no ads, and more radio options, but it is free to join. It also groups you with other members based on common artist.

"according to my page I've listened to more songs than you."

👍413 👎81 - slang

A mainly user-defined website. Like MySpace but way better. uses a plugin to create music charts based on what one listens to on their (computerized) media player. Based on these, it recommends music and creates radio station. Users who sign up for a free account receive these benefits, and can also post blog entries. A good way to discover new music and meet people with good musical taste.

Also known as the "Social Music Revolution"

Person 1: Hey, why do your charts list Lindsay Lohan as your No. 1 artist?
Person 2: It was my kid sister, I swear.

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