Definder - what does the word mean?

What is larious?

a pun used to describe something hilarious, which pertains to hair or is hair-related.

girl: "have you seen the professor's comb-over?"

boy: "yeah, it's hair-larious!"

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larious - meme gif

larious meme gif

larious - video


Larious - what is it?

Something that's really fucking funny, but possibly just because you're stoned.

The Harold & Kumar films are absolutely fucking high-larious.

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What does "larious" mean?

derived from the orginally hindi adjective 'hilarious'. is a fusion of the word 'lary' (meaning fired up) and hilarious to form a chracter that is both extremely funny and highly energetic, this form of charcter is very rare and the term 'larious character' should only be used when you truly feel that the person involved is worthy of the title.

'will ferrel is a larious-character in austin powers 2'

Person 1- i met this guy called flounder who got his cock out and ejectulated in my nans soup...

Person 2- larious-charcter...

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Larious - what does it mean?

When something's funny just because you're high.

"Eat shit. Bagel bit. Eat that bagel lick that clit"


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Larious - meaning

when something is very funny and you laugh out loud.

girl- i love you.
boy- thaats haha-larious!!!!!!!
girl- :'(

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Larious - definition

when something is hilarious but with a hint of hoe.

billy bob is hoe-larious.

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Larious - slang

A nigga who is always getting high while constantly being hilarious

β€œLarious are you high,” β€œI’m hilarious

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A nigga who is always getting high while constantly being hilarious

β€œLarious are you high,” β€œI’m hilarious

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a shorter way of saying hilarious.

brock: (tells joke)
olivia: that was larious!

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commonly reffered to as larious j. gords. must be used as an adjective, sometimes a noun. dont ever use it in the wrong way, you will look like an idiot. lar for short. hiLARious.

thats so lar

your a lar of a liar

dont call me larious!

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