Definder - what does the word mean?

What is lal?

daddy mack, ladies man ... doesnt play

look at that lal regulating all those hooo's

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lal - meme gif

lal meme gif

lal - video


Lal - what is it?

kind of like "lol" but stands for laughing a lot

person : "i just made a dutch oven"
other person : "lal"

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What does "lal" mean?

Laughing a' Loud, a termed coined by Clay Walsh during the late 90's.

LAL george bush is such a crazy bastard!

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Lal - what does it mean?

A short term for "Los Angeles Lakers".

LAL:67 CHI:70 :27 left in game

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Lal - meaning

laughing alot.
It's used by people who are sick to death of the word lol

Mr. A: blah blah blah
Mr. B: Lol
Mr. A: blah blah blah
Mr. B: lol
Mr. A: blah blah blah
Mr. B: lol
Mr. A: stop sayin lol all the time!!
Mr. B: soz
Mr. A: blah blah blah
Mr. B: lal
Mr. A: *sigh*

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Lal - definition

laugh a little
used when the joke isn't really funny but sort of amusing.

Danni:and evry1 was laughing at us!!!

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Lal - slang

lal=lol (lol=laughing out loud), but then said as a word.

Used by Jeremy (teh_pwnerer) from the Pure Pwnage episodes and he passed it on to the loyal viewers of the show.

teh_pwnerer: "LAL, this guy's micro is so n00b Kyle, OMFG!"

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she a cute girl, funny, clumsy likes a rat called chuuya has this leg fetish and like short ppl she’s so adorable you’d like to kidnap her and put her in a jar uHh she tends to get obsessed with stuff over time she’s has a cute accent and a nice nose she’s a super duper good editor make sure to always say β€˜i love u’ to her or else she’ll eat u alive ig

β€œi hate children” -lal 2k17

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Any asian boy with a big dick

That asian boy has a lal.

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Lacht Aus Laut

German for "Laughing Out Loud"

"u r suxxx roflll"
"lal stfu"

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