Definder - what does the word mean?

What is kunned?

Sergio Aguero.

'Kun Aguero, Atletico's prize asset'

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kunned - meme gif

kunned meme gif

kunned - video


Kunned - what is it?

The loml, my babie boi, wayv leader ,D A D D Y, GODD, a hot Chinese son of a bitch

"Yo are you ok"
"No I just watched kun fancam and my ovaries are dying"

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What does "kunned" mean?

A suffix attached to names in Japanese.
Using it shows an informal relationship between speaker and listener.

Used with person's first name

Ohio Vash-kun!

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Kunned - what does it mean?

You’re probably the leader of your friend group or you’d be a very good leader. Cooking is definitely one of your specialty’s. You can’t help but care for people like you were someone grandpa.

Person: Kun is definitely one of a kind!

Person 2: Especially his cooking.

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Kunned - meaning

Charming, magnetic, young and professional music performer.

Wait wait wait, Kun is pulling up!

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Kunned - definition

a suffix attached to the surname of younger men or the same age as the speaker.
it isn't used between women or addressing superiors however a man can address a inferior woman by ~kun (in schools or companies)
it is less polie than ~san.

(35)Takenouchi: doomo Daigo~kun
(25)Daigo: doo itashimashite Takenouchi~san

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Kunned - slang

another word for vagina, pussy, cooter, etc. (pronounced coon-coon)

Billy said that becky's kun kun was mighty tastey

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A really sweet, intelligent, kind, curious, and perceptive person.

He smiles rarely, but when he does, it feels like you won a million bucks.

Did you meet Kun today? Yup, instantly made my day!

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kun best boy

I think we all know who’s the real best boy...qian kun.

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A Japanese suffix added to a name (preferably to a male's name). It is used for friends, and possibly the men that you fancy.

Sasuke-kun; Itachi-kun.

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