Definder - what does the word mean?

What is kliff?

an action word that means to breath deeply and blow mucus from the nose to a face of another person in rapid motion.

Hey watch it snothead! stop kliffing me, go do it to your sister!

👍25 👎19

kliff - meme gif

kliff meme gif

kliff - video


Kliff - what is it?

When you put ping pong balls in your girls ass the proceeds fuck her face until chokes and shoots them out like a bb gun

I gave my girl a dirty kliff and she we almost killed the cat

👍27 👎11

What does "kliff" mean?

Standing for: For Whom The Bell Tolls this is a somewhat cover of the Metallica song of the same name. The cover was created by dronemetalists Sunn O))) (pronounced sun).

I hate Lars so much what a d-bag he makes me want to listen to F.W.T.B.T. (I Dream of Lars Ulrich Being Thrown Through the Bus Window Instead of My Mystikal Master Kliff Burton) all day long!

rip cliff burton

👍147 👎53

Kliff - what does it mean?

When team mate-1 known as the "door-man" hangs on the end of a door(in pull-up position) and team mate-2 known as the "pusher" than swings the door open with appropriate force causing the door-man to hopefully swing into the person sitting closest to the door known as the " vicinity known as the "klick" and farts on the victim. After this is accomplished, both fat-ass team mates(dont kid yourselves, you know you'r fat)evacuate the area as if they were being chased down by bigfoot. (wink wink)

jimmy hung on the end of a door and gave melissa a cleveland kliff-hanger.

👍35 👎81

Kliff - meaning

a really gay kid who goes to episcopal and blows at baseball. He tries to talk shit to pat mullen and doesn't reallizied he would get fucked up. he looks like Beavis with acne.

Yo look at Klu Klux Kliff, what a faget

👍87 👎75

Kliff - definition

A spliff (weed and tobacco joint) with a lot of kief.

Dude, I just rolled a massive kliff.

👍25 👎11

Kliff - slang

A shelf from a certain store or place

You probably got that shit straight off the kliff at Walmart

👍25 👎11