Definder - what does the word mean?

What is kipping?

A legend in Verdansk. Kip Kip is someone who will put you to sleep because you rage quit when trying to defeat the kip kip.

I rage quit when kip kip is on the line.

👍47 👎13

kipping - meme gif

kipping meme gif

kipping - video


Kipping - what is it?

Sleeping, to have a nap (40 Winks etc)

Sorry I didn't here you rin me - I was still kipping in bed

👍43 👎27

What does "kipping" mean?

1. The act of chatting online with babe(s). Usually all day.

Originated from the movie Napoleon Dynamite (2004) whenever the character Kip said his most famous quote...

Napoleon: Stay home and eat all the freakin chips Kip

Kip: Napoleon don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to become a cage fighter.

Hey bro can I borrow your phone charger? My phones about to die and I am kipping on snapchat with some babes right now.

👍35 👎15

Kipping - what does it mean?

The act of dating someone in another town/city, and only hanging out with them on the weekends (Friday through Sunday). You are required to do this all weekend, every weekend. The two people engaged in kipping can not be seperated for more than 30 minutes, without at least seeing each other, or getting a telephone call. This act is very common in the South.

Guy # 1 - Where's your boy at?

Guy # 2 - Man...I haven't seen that dude in like a year...he's so busy kipping, he doesn't even know who we are anymore.

👍119 👎91

Kipping - meaning

1. Sleeping
2. (Unofficially) staying at...

1. I was kipping til 2 today.
2. When my mother kicked me out of my house I was kipping at my friend's gaff. I kipped on his floor.

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Kipping - definition

A seizure-like attempt to perform an exercise meant to traumatize the shoulder girdle or other major articulation and cause injury.

I am about that kipping life bro

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Kipping - slang

Formed from the word kip.
To sleep.

Jennifer was caught kipping on the couch.

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Sleeping or Napping

"Where have you been? "

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British slang for having a nap, sleeping.

"I fancy a kip as I am really tired.."

"Sorry, I didn't hear the phone..I must have been kipping when you rang.."

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A form of cheating while doing pull-ups, whereby and individual struggling to do another abruptly jerks the knees upward to provide extra lift and remove the weight of said body parts from the lift equation.
A move, that in the military, will only get you extra pull-ups later for cheating so do them right and sweat it out.

SGT: " Gimmie ten more maggots, and no kipping or you'll be on KP patrol till graduation. "

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