Definder - what does the word mean?

What is kingsTON?

The first capital of New York State, also known as the capital of Ulster County. A fast growing city with corrupt mayor, and coke head police. It is home to the NYS motor Vehicle office, The best 4th of July party in upstate New York, Hudson Valley Mall, Ulster County Jail, Ulster County Court. Kingston City is bigger than Poughkeepsie,NY Although it doesnt seem that way because there is more to do in Poughkeepsie. Kids form Saugerties and and Oneonta often claim they are from Kingston because they konw it's cooler to rep a City rather than a town noone ever heard of. Kids from Kingston will either stay in town and go to a local club, i.e. The Steal House, Toniq Gin Mill, Mariner's, or the Forum, or they will head up to Albany, Down to Poughkeepsie, New Paltz, or Newburgh. Pretty much the whole city is one big ghetto, Downtown and Midtown mainly. All the lawyers and doctors live uptown on Linderman and up towards that area, with the 2 millon dollar houses. Kingston is also home the the biggest high school in the Hudson Valley.

Kid 1) Yo, I'm goin to Poughkeepsie tonight, you wanna come?
Kid 2) Nha man, I'm gonna saty in Kingston and go to Mariner's or something.
Kid 1) Aight man, suit your self, we might end up in Newburgh too.
kid2) Go ahead dude I'm fine.

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kingsTON - meme gif

kingsTON meme gif

kingsTON - video


KingsTON - what is it?

A small city of 120,000 or so residents. Known primarily as the β€œLimestone City”, it’s a popular stop on road trips due to its location between Toronto and Ottawa/Montreal. Unfortunately for permanent residents, it has a very closed off and white centric population, especially with the younger generations. Lots of teen Kingstonians are subtly racist and will judge you silently if you aren’t white or if you deviate from the norm. This isn’t apparent at first but if you are observant you will notice the racist undertones if the young white majority. Basically, it’s fine to live here if you’re not white, just expect a degree of subsincious racism, arrogance and an overall sense of sheltered and ignorant teen population.

Kingston sure is a beautiful city, you just need to watch out for the subconscious racism that plagues it

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What does "kingsTON" mean?

1.) Picturesque, historically significant small city (technically a town) on the eastern end of Lake Ontario.

2.) Soul-destroyingly boring place to live.

3.) A great place to take a shit.

Lucky for us, Kingston was halfway between Toronto and Montreal (or Ottawa and Toronto, for that matter). Sure beats taking a crap in Napanee.

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KingsTON - what does it mean?

A city in southern eastern Ontario, half way between Toronto and Montreal. Home of Queen's University.

Toronto sucks, let's head to Montreal and have a quick stop in Kingston.

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KingsTON - meaning

The last name to an Irish bloodline known for their mischief, alcohol consumption (both underage and of age), and smoking vast amounts of weed. Easily to exceed their own body weight by the end of their lifetime.

"Dude, he's a party animal."
"He's definitely a Kingston."

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KingsTON - definition

A small city in eastern Ontario half-way between Toronto and Montreal.

It was Canada's first national capital and is sometimes referred to as the Limestone City because of its beautiful old limestone architecture.

It is also known for its universities, sailing, and prisons.

1: "Hey, let's head down to Kingston this weekend for Queen's Homecoming and party on aberdeen"
2:"Cool. Let's not get too crazy though, I don't want to wind up in Kingston Pen"

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KingsTON - slang

Kingstons are very loveable people. They will understand problems and help you with them. They tend to like gaming and art. They are amazing to have. If you know a Kingston you have one lucky charm.

With a rare name it matches thair rare amazing persinalty.

Person 1: so you have a friend names Kingston?
Persion 2: yes i do

Person 1: wow tell me sime numbers to win the lottery becuse thats a rare find!

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Kingston Upon Thames

A small town in surrey, england, which is known for its many shops. Named, because many british kings and queens were coronated there, its name has been stolen, and used in various other countries, such as the USA and Jamaica. Many chavs have attempted to find ways to apprieviate the name, such as ktown, kingstun etc...

It is popular with locals, and the local youths do seem to be everywhere, but many people travel from all over the country to come to kingston.

Kington is a place so therefore does not require and example, kingston is also the capital city of jamaica

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He is one of the greatest guys anyone could ever meet :D he is super sweet, really athletic, thoughtful, and cute. He is really sincere and can make anyone feel better whenever they're they're sad. In one word, he can be described as awesome.. but that still doesn't cover it.. he's more than that.. but thats for you people to figure out =D

whoa.. is that a kingston?
i think it is... because he sure is one of the best!!

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Kingston is an amazing guy. He is one of the coolest guys on earth. He has a massive pp and a great personality. He is very loyal to his friends and is good lookin and is EVERY SINGLE THING you want in a man

β€œBritany have you seen that guy Kingston?”

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