Definder - what does the word mean?

What is kennet?

massive dick energy mature young men who’ll make your bitch go crazy

emely did you hear about how big kennet boys dicks are !

👍25 👎11

kennet - meme gif

kennet meme gif

kennet - video


Kennet - what is it?

Beautiful woman that represents love, light, and all things great. She is a social butterfly and leaves a lasting impression upon everyone she meets. Very intelligent, sometimes a bit too analytic although this can also be a strong trait. Kennete is one of a kind and there has yet to be another with the same name spelling and pronunciation. To know her is to love her.

I could fall in love with Kenneté over and over again.

My day was perfect... its was Kennete.

Go in love, go in Kennete.

👍25 👎11

What does "kennet" mean?

A little bitch, who cant figure out to live life because all he does is riding his little bitch ass knallert, god damn chinese dog, he has no dick

Oh damn its a kennet, he is a bitch

👍31 👎31

Kennet - what does it mean?

can not

i kennet do et

👍25 👎11

Kennet - meaning

Great friend, but a bit weird sometimes. He is prone to burning dildos.

Oh he's such a Kennet

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