Definder - what does the word mean?

What is keahi?

Keahi is a chill and goofy girl but don't let that goofiness fool you she has anger issues...

Damn that girl keahi is hella fine

👍29 👎13

keahi - video


Keahi - what is it?

One fuckin dammeh

Brah you is one keahi

👍27 👎11

What does "keahi" mean?

The name is Hawaiian for fire or flames. Keahis tend to have fiery personalities: they're leaders, outgoing, hot, bold and confident. They'll love you with a burning passion and you'll never meet someone more unique or exotic. To break up with a Keahi would be a big mistake as you may never get them back. Keahis tend to attract many people.

You wish you were a Keahi.

Keahi will warm up your heart and/or heat up the room.

👍241 👎21

Keahi - what does it mean?

keahi is a very modest hawaiian name it was refered to be the most powerful hawaiian name that is why only the brave is named keahi. people named keahi are very legit and layed back. but beware even though he is a very nice person he can blow up if provoked

and hes the shit cause the name keahi

👍147 👎43