Definder - what does the word mean?

What is kagging?

A person that doesn't have a thicc booty and is dumbfounded about how they play 8 ball on imessage games.

You stupid kag.

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kagging - meme gif

kagging meme gif

kagging - video


Kagging - what is it?

Kill a goose, or Donald trumps campaign slogan.

Oh she is a trump supporter so she must like to KAG!

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What does "kagging" mean?

Mentally under-developed Trump supporters who believe whatever shit their daddy donald sticks up their anuses.

Derived from Trump's 2020 campaign acronym of "Keep America Great."

"Look at these very intelligent kags thinking Trump won the election by a landslide. Oh, what's this? Now the kags are breaking into and trashing the Capitol."

"That Karen died of COVID after refusing to put on a mask? What a kag."

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Kagging - what does it mean?

Kags means kill all gays

Kags 2020

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Kagging - meaning

keep america great
trumps campaign slogan, said by white republican teen boys who cant defend anything trump has ever done

trump 2020 kag libtards

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Kagging - definition

The term "kag" stands for either "kute Asian girl" or "korny Asian girl." The first meaning is typically used positively by males with yellow fever to describe the Asian females they pass by, observe, and/or covet. The second meaning is used to describe extremely fobby girls who have yet to assimilate into the culture of a foreign country (i.e. USA).

Check out those kags at the Asian plaza.

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Kagging - slang

Rape by emitting bodily fluids over a victim.

Igatona kagged on Kagon.

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A disgusting being; rude and hated; found disturbing and ugly; hated and unwanted; considered socially awkward.

The girl was considered a kag to all the other children.

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verb (used with object) – kag, kagged, kagging, kag down.

1. to eat or drink something reluctantly

2. to consume with disdain or disgust; to choke down

Bro, there's still like half a beer left! You gotta kag it down!

I had to kag down the rest of those chicken nuggets cuz they got cold.

Did you see Billie Geet kagging down that wheel of brie?

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To trip someone quickly and make them fall to the ground. To sweep the leg. Possibly used exclusively in a ghetto in West Alabama.

Don't make me kag you up!

Ooooo! He just kagged that dude up!

Man! Why tryin' to kag me up?

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