Definder - what does the word mean?

What is june 20th?

June 20th. A day where stinky boys are born.

β€œAy yo! That man was born on June 20th.”

β€œUgh. He must be stinky.”

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june 20th - video


June 20th - what is it?

the day where the biggest whore is born

she was born on June 20th, she's a whore

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What does "june 20th" mean?

June 20th is national send nudes day with no catches relationships or screen shots

β€˜It’s June 20th’ β€˜πŸ”΄ snap there you go’

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June 20th - what does it mean?

June 20th is national send nudes day without any screen shotting or saved photos just send them

β€˜Says it’s June 20th’ β€˜πŸ›‘snap there u go’

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June 20th - meaning

June 20th is the birthday of Sera (my dearest ever), who is known as revueofhunt on instagram !

ever since i met her my life has been its brightest and i am grateful to every day I get to spend with my moon!! i am most thankful for this day and her for making this day so special to me <3

HAPPY LOVELY BIRTHDAY MY SERA !! i love you so so so so much!!!

Person 1: hey, do you know today’s date?
Taoyoimi: it’s June 20th!! my girlfriend’s birthday !!

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June 20th - definition

International cupcake day

Guys June 20th is international cupcake day

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June 20th - slang

National get rid of your Virginity card

John: Hey you still got it

JackGot what?
John:You’re Virginity card, Retard!
Jack: Ye I have it

John: You need to get rid of it soon
Jack: Why?
John: Because it is June 20th

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June 20th

June 20th is the day where the best person you’ll ever meet was born Peridot.

Person1: my birthday is on June 20th

Person2: cool, I wish I was born on that day.

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June 20th

National Daisy and Scooby Day

I Love June 20th! Its National Daisy and Scooby Day

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June 20th

national eat your boyfriend out day especially if their name has an e

happy june 20th!! time to eat out ur bf

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