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What is july 28?

International paperclip day wear your paperclips πŸ“ŽπŸ“ŽπŸ“ŽπŸ“ŽπŸ“ŽπŸ“Ž

July 28 be a Paper clip queeeenn

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july 28 - video


July 28 - what is it?

Anyone with this birthday is hot because Leo's are one of the best astrological signs. If you have this birthday there's a good chance you're pretty strong, words dont hurt you and you fight back. You're also very cool and you're probably hot.

Oh my god she was born on July 28 she's so cool!

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What does "july 28" mean?

The person born on this date has the actual biggest dick in the world

Person 1: yo it’s Gabe’s birthday today

Person 2: isn’t it July 28th. That means Gabe has a huge dick

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July 28 - what does it mean?

The day where the skinniest of legends were born

lexi: it’s my birthday

maya: isn’t July 28th that means you’re a skinny legend!!

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July 28 - meaning

The day when you hug your girlfriend as much as possible

Its July 28, better find someone quick!

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July 28 - definition

the day a legend was born. the life of the party. one of the funniest realist people you’ll ever meet. they are cute as hell and call it how they see it. it’s a real privilege to be friends with someone born on this great day.

Friend one: I went out with Jess last night
Friend two: Lit asf she’s funny asf and the life of the party
Friend one: She was born July 28
Friend two: everyone born that way is LIT

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July 28 - slang

national freya and daisy day!!

hey it’s july 28 you know what that means!!

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July 28

when your weird friend was born

Boy: Today My weird friend was born
Girl: Oh ya it’s july 28

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July 28

people born in this date have the biggest dick i mean even if you are a girl you have a donkey cock

ohh.. you are born on july 28, nice cock bro!

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July 28

The day "The Emoji Movie" came out and disappointed us all

July 28th was a sad day

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