Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jubbed?

A large, violent monkey with a disposition for smelling horribly. Can be found in the wild or in Vervain Street

"The large Jub Jub attempted to hump the Jew"

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jubbed - meme gif

jubbed meme gif

jubbed - video


Jubbed - what is it?

An annoying name that some girls give their boyfriends. This is common when the man has a large dick and/or ballsack because Jub Jub itself sounds sexual.

(Dave to Jessica) See ya later !
(Jessica to Dave) See ya Jub Jub!
(Brian) I wanna fucking die.

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What does "jubbed" mean?

Conan O'brien's meaningless punchline

"Bottom of the ninth, two outs, heres the pitch. Long drive, way back, way back; IT'S A JUB JUB!

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Jubbed - what does it mean?

Selma Bouvier's (Marge Simpson's sister) pet iguana. The one constant companion in a life that has men who come and go.

When Selma walked away from Troy McClure, jub jub was right there with her. Personally, I think she has sex with that thing. They seem so "close".

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Jubbed - meaning

n., v., 1. Anything Jubalicious.

2. Anything thing that is exceptionally cute, adorable, funny, lazy, tiny or fat.
3. To act in any of the above ways.

"Sweetheart.... I love you Jub-Jub." "Aw look at that fat Jub-Jub." "Can you get me some candy Jub-Jubs?" "Check out the cat! She's just Jubbin'"

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Jubbed - definition

Phonetic form of "kiss kiss" in Thai.

It's time for me to go now. Take care. Jub jub!

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Jubbed - slang

One of the most famous characters in Harry Potter. Everyone loved Jub Jub. The mischevious elf goblin that lived in the sewers. He'd often say his signature catchphrase "Give us a kiss". When he died in Harry's arms in the second book, readers were moved to tears. Especially when he whispered, "Jub Jub want rub rub". I'll tell you, There wasn't a dry eye in the theatre when that scene played,

Friend 1: Who is your favourite character in Harry Potter?
Friend 2: Definately Jub Jub. May he get rub rub in the afterlife.

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When you flick a cats nose, it jubs backwards.

I touched the cats nose and its head jubbed back.

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Verb: To eat a whole cheescake, cheeseburger or wheel of cheese in 10 or less minutes. Or To waist a whole day sleeping, only waking up to have a warm delight. This action is often done by a jub.

Ollie : Ew did you see that girl eat that whole wheel of cheese in less then 10 minutes??!!!
Ford : she totally Jubbed!

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When someone else gets you to do their job and they in turn do nothing.

Said from one co-worker to you regarding a project that you have been given.
"hey man you're 'Jubbed' on that proposal, Kevin was supposed to do it."

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