Definder - what does the word mean?

What is joe'd it?

Used to describe when a company, for no known reason, cancels a popular product. This term is derived from Trader Joe grocery store's well known history of canceling popular food products with no explanation.

"It appears that this product has been Trader Joe'd".

" Looks like they've done a Trader Joe with that product you want.

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joe'd it - video


Joe'd it - what is it?

A very large angry man, preferably with a beard and large hands violently attacking one face.

person #1- hey want to go to that show tonight?
person #2- no, I'm all set with getting Joe'd tonight.

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What does "joe'd it" mean?

When you chunder a little bit and it just sticks in the back of your throat

Ohhhh nasty, I just joe'd

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Joe'd it - what does it mean?

" Joe'd" when you get Joe' up with your panties in a dumpster and your ass on a transit bus

I got " Joe'd" today....(NOT PROUD) or should I be?

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Joe'd it - meaning

When you're extremely high but there's people nearby so you use it as a code word

Named after my great plug Joe

"Im so fucken Joe'd right now I could eat a horse"

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Joe'd it - definition

To completely screw up something; kill a joke; maliciously kill a story; to say something completely unrelated to the discussed topic; being oblivious to everything; to heed the progress of something; etc.

Marco joe'd it when he attempted to make an alteration of a joke but completely and miserably failed

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Joe'd it - slang

When a guy, who is a complete cheapo, arrogantly suggest that the girl pay for herself after asking her out.

Guy- Well I definitely got me. Prob you. But idk let me get my check.
Girl- Wow Seriously? I'm not even trying to get Joe'd!

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Joe'd it

To ruin ones knee due to an unorthodox running style and general clumsiness.

Shit man, your knee's been Joe'd!

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Joe'd it

To be left hanging when plans have been made

"You won't believe what happened last night"
"I made plans with Joe last night but.. "
"You got Joe'd?"

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Joe'd it

When Traffic Management employees leave traffic cameras looking at the trees, signs and everything except for the traffic.

I want to look at the accident on the interstate but it appears the camera is Joe'd

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