Definder - what does the word mean?

What is joci's?

a booty crumb

jocie the hoe is such a booty crumb

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joci's - meme gif

joci's meme gif

joci's - video


Joci's - what is it?

a bruised, sagging tit that oozes puss

Last night I met this girl with a bad case of joci's

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What does "joci's" mean?

Always up fur a shag
Loves the Bucky

Takes ching ivry nite

B like joci

👍31 👎19

Joci's - what does it mean?

a chicken who like to drink other people's kids' dirty milk

God stop being a jocie and get your own dirty milk

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Joci's - meaning

The best fucking bitch ever. She is sooooooo F-ING SEXXXYYY!!! Any one would be lucky to have her as a bitch. She is nice and will always put others before her. Such a not selfish hoe. She cares about others feelings, and has a soft heart. Likes to play with HUGE scissors, and also likes to hiking in mountainous valleys

CAUTION : Occasionally swears .....soooo....beware?

Boy : God, look at that
Boy 2 : Yeah, she's such a JOCIE

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Joci's - definition

Means tornado obsessed cinnamon roll recently gone sinnamon due to bad influences and drugs

'Hey have you seen Jocy?'
'That sinnamon roll chasing tornadoes over there? Yes, I think I've seen her.'

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Joci's - slang

An awesome girl who has extremely large boobs, and who likes to drink alcohol. She is sort of shy during the day around people she doesnt know, but at night and on the weekends when there is alcohol in her, she automaticly becomes your best friend. She is an all around good gal. Just dont piss her off by touchin up on the boy she fucked last night.

Dude, i wouldnt fuck with her,
shes a real joci.

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An amazing beautiful friend who is always there for you when you need it. Joci is so funny and amazing at art. She has a good sense of style and is really good with animals. Although she might be sad she can always turn the subject around and make you laugh. She is an amazing friend and if you have a Joci keep her because she's an amazing friend.

Person 1: "I wish I was Joci"
Joci: "no you don't"

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The Cute nickname for Joceline or Jocelyn.

She is sweet, shy, and innocent. She is also beautiful , but very smart. She is the whole package and everyone loves her energy and vibe when their around her. Everyone loves Jocy and everything about her.

Person 1: "Jocy is the best! Why can't my girlfriend be like her?"

Person 2: "Because Jocy's Mine BITCH !"

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Jocie is an amazing girl. She is smart funny and a little obnoxious. She is shy at first but when you get to know her you would have to be a fool to let her go. Jocie is gorgeous with a great body and amazing eyes. Everyone wants to be her and any guy would be crazy to not want to be her boyfriend. She is also the greatest friend you could ask for. She is caring and will never let you down.

"I wish I could be more like Jocie"

"Did u see Jocie today she was looking hot"

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