Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jewlian?

A all around loyal big dick mixed nigga loves light skinned females

Damn that nigga (jewlian fine)

👍27 👎13

jewlian - video


Jewlian - what is it?

A disappointed father

Jewlian shook his head as he deleted yet another offensive remark by some random degenerate

👍33 👎15

What does "jewlian" mean?

A gay bergenser with a gay ass beard.

Boy 1: i like boys
Boy 2: yo you are so Jewlian

👍33 👎13

Jewlian - what does it mean?

A mocking term for anyone named Julian who may act stingy at times.

Julian: Sure, i'll get you a present for your birthday, but you'll have to pay for it yourself.

Me: You are such a Jewlian!

👍93 👎23

Jewlian - meaning

a person named Julian who loots stuff before they revive you on Fortnite.

You got the gun before you revived me! You Jewlian!

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