Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jeslie?

Jeslie and janka never met in real life they FaceTime a lot and talk a lot they’re the best trio on the world their favorite thing to do is singing while face timing i the understand each other really good

Judie:”hey have you met jeslie and janka?”
Camilla:”No i haven’t”
Judie:”they’re so iconic!”

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jeslie - meme gif

jeslie meme gif

jeslie - video


Jeslie - what is it?

The word Jesli came from the latin word "bellus" means cute. In the Philippines Jesli means "Sobrang Gwapo" if we translate it into English it says Pretty Handsome.

Mr. Beast have different kinds of betta fish those fish are to jesli.

Joanne's cat is to jesli and fluffy.

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What does "jeslie" mean?

The word Jesli came from the latin word "bellus" means cute. In the Philippine it is also called "Sobrang Gwapo" means Too Handsome.

Those kittens are so jesli.

Joanne's cat is to jesli and fluffy.

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Jeslie - what does it mean?

jeslie and janka call themselves the JJ squad i. They’re best friend have known each other for a year now,they are more then thankful to be each other’s friends<3 all they wanna do is meet up everyday but they can’t cuz they live tausends of kilometers away from each other.sadly;((( janka lives in Germany and jeslie lives in America but they are still really iconic and everyone’s jealous of their friendship

judie:”have you met janka and jeslie?”
Judie:*shows pics* “they’re so iconic”

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Jeslie - meaning

Same as a dirty Lilly but a lot more kinkier. She makes sure her partner is pleasured to the max and is in love with being edged. She begs a lot and gets turned on by almost anything

Dude 1: look it’s a dirty Jeslie

Dude 2: heard she and her boyfriend got really kinky.

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Jeslie - definition

if your name is jesly, probably your parents couldn't decide wheather they wished you were a guy or girl. they probably though of jesse and said "wait, are you sure its not a girl? we could name her lyn?" then they decided to name you jesly. if not, maybe your parents just decide to slap their names together to form yours.

"Do you know Jesly?"

"Jesly? Who? Are you trying to say Jesse?"

"No, I mean Jesly."

"Who? Is that like Jesse and Lyn together?"

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Jeslie - slang

Typically a girls name, Jeslie is a girl who can be confusing and it's hard for people to understand her. She can be weird as fuck and practically insane but she doesnt care what others think about her. Many Jeslie's are wonderous and creative musically and artistically. Jeslie is pretty goofy and chill.

Person 1: Damn shes insane. Call 911

Person 2: Of course she is, shes a Jeslie!

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A person, mostly a girl, who has amazing people skills. She is well known among the opposite sex, but she isn't a slut or whore. She's classy. Jesly is very athletic and involved in anything. She likes to make sure that everyone she knows and doesn't know is happy. Rarely does she break down, but when she does it's heartbreaking. She's a different type of person, but she is very easily loved. She is very artistic whether it be with music, art or theater. She is an "A" student. She is a very irresistible person and is hard to find. So when you find her don't pass her up. Jump on any opportunity you have with her because it'll be worth it. She's very beautiful and has an amazing personality. Treat her like a princess because she can treat you better than any other girl you'll ever meet.

-Damn, that Jesly chick over there is sexy as hell!
--Oh. I know what you mean! I heard she was a cheerleader, a singer and is at the top of her class!
-Oh, dang. Lemme holla at her!

--Yes? That's how you pronounce it.
-Aww, you're so beautiful.
--Thank you.

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jeslie is a girl who loves to talk the most shit, but she can be amazing at times she just doesn’t know the definition of having a friend and she always has to start some type of problem because of jealousy. she’s usually shirt & there voice is high pitched. they can have the sweetest hearts but don’t mess with hef

did you hear about how jeslie and monica aren’t friends?

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Jeslie, the girl truely loyal to her man. A girl who is worthy and has to be respected and deserve to be happy. Her man should be happy and feel lucky to have her in his life. Jeslie attracts every mens' eyes without effort and likes to be well dressed. Fashion is a signature for her.

Oh look that classy girl, that's Jeslie!

I want to be a Jeslie today in my way of dressing.

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