Definder - what does the word mean?

What is jarj?

The act of doing physical things, mainly in a sexual way, while focusing on Jar Jar Binks to decrease endurance, as the thought of his sexy eyes ruin your focus, concentration, and overall physical abilities.

I'm sorry it was over so quick baby, I could've lasted all night, but I was Jarjing, you know?

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jarj - meme gif

jarj meme gif

jarj - video


Jarj - what is it?

Jarj is the code word for sorry

Jarj, I wasn't looking

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What does "jarj" mean?

Something u would say to someone in the street (gurnos chavs perticulary) basically meaning hello

What sapenin jarj?

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Jarj - what does it mean?

(phonetic Anglified Korean) penis

I have a really big jarj between my legs.

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