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What is j balvin?

Colombian singer destroyed by Puertorican singer Residente in a musical beef or a diss track composed by BZRP.

In the song J Balvin is defined as the following:
1-BobolΓ³n or Dumbass
2-A copy of a clone
3-The Logan Paul of Reggaeton
7-Badly raised by a frustrated influencer dad
8-A vegan salad because he has no eggs
9-Uncreattive because he has teams of people that write his rap/hiphop/reggaeton lyrics
10-All in all he is defined as a nicely packaged product by the latin american music industry to have some of the urban music genre market share

Dont be as fake as J Balvin; Dont be a vegan salad;

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j balvin - video


J balvin - what is it?

The J Balvin is when you do a handstand in the bottom of your drained local city pool, naked, and someone jumps off the high dive head first into your ballsack/vaginal area. If done at a city pool outside of your local area, it’s rather referred to as a Paul McCartney.

I just J Balvined at the city pool and everyone thought it was pog.

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What does "j balvin" mean?

The greatest reggaeton singer of all time. Very humble. Truly versatile artist, can work with anyone from anywhere, any genre is good for him. Anything he drops will be a hit guaranteed πŸ’― Uses bright vivid colors everywhere. Can pull off any style effortlessly.
If you're struggling with your music career, a collaboration with him is all you need.

Also very cute

She's the J Balvin of ....

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J balvin - what does it mean?

A Puerto Rican male singer

J Balvin is a great singer!

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