Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ishy?

Acronym for "I'd Still Hit It"

Man I haven't see that girl since high school, ISHI.

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Ishy - what is it?

A loved, shy girl that is sexy and gets hit on often, she thinks she doesn't get noticed and that she is invisible and that she is ugly and fat even though she is very pretty and smart and every guy chases after her.

Damn that ishi girl is damn right sexy

She called herself ugly she gets more notice than anyone else

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What does "ishy" mean?

A bouncing personality that lights up a room with kindness, always at the forefront of every conversation but welcomingly so; her radiating energy creates a space where strangers gleam and flourish. Her words a radiating force of honesty, love and compassion. A raw gem of humanity. Her personality forged by the pressures of her childhood as are we all but the way she deals with hardship is spectacularly positive and undeniably human.

Ishie could be compared to a sunflower; a bold statement that lingers, a beauty that stays suspended in your thoughts.

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Ishy - what does it mean?

a very beautiful talented and gorgeous girl. she is very kind, funny, smart, really cute, perfect and good at everything .Ishi is the type to be very adventurous, always trying many new things and is very social. Ishi may be a quiet or shy at first but the more you know and talk to an ishi the more she shows her real personality . Ishi is very popular that many guys fall in love with her even thought she thinks she is just a normal girl. Ishi has very beautiful eyes and is just a very perfect beautiful person.

guy: β€œomg did you see that gorgeous girl her name is ishi”

guy2:” yes!, ive heard if her, she just transferred schools and is getting all of the boys”

guy1:”hey look its her ! lets go say hi

guy2:”ok lets go!”

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Ishy - meaning

when your skin is so ashy it itches...

My skin is ishy. Can I borrow your lotion?

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Ishy - definition

add to the end of, kinda sorta to show that you do not fully understand the specifics of the subject.

I understand nuclear physics, well kinda sorta ishy.

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Ishy - slang

Awesome, cool, sweet, great, original, hot, nice, wonderful, cute, etc ...

Any positive adjective you want it to mean

You're not ishy enough to say ishy!

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To feel sick. Usually when one has a fever and chills, or slightly nauseous but not enough to actually puke, with no other significant symptoms.

Also a babified version of shitty. See ish

"How are you feeling, Baby?"
"I still feel ishy, but I'll be ok."

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Mediocre; of dubious quality, purity, or freshness.

Waitress, can you take these eggs away please? They're kind of ishy.

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of questionable character; less than ideal

Emily: "That cookie didn't get cooked enough. It was ishy!"

Patrick: "Emily, you hooked up with a kid with braces?! That's an ishy decision.."

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