Definder - what does the word mean?

What is iais?

I am incredibly stupid

Bro I microwaved my baby iais

👍25 👎11

iais - meme gif

iais meme gif

iais - video


Iais - what is it?

Funny israeli plane that got cancalled

"Do you know about the IAI-Lavi?"
"Yeah its the best plane i love it so much!!!"

👍25 👎11

What does "iais" mean?

I abhor you (abhor is the highest form of hate)

guy: aww, I adore you too
girl: I said abhor, get your ears cleaned

iay and everything

👍25 👎11

Iais - what does it mean?

I appreciate it

Bill: here u go
Bob: thanks, iai

👍101 👎31

Iais - meaning

stands for
I Adore You.
Can be used to avoid an unwanted ily or I love you.
Can also be used to be cute.

Kidd: Laurah! I love you!
Laurah: Sweet! iay:
Kidd: ahah, what?

Kidd: I'm going emo.
Laurah: but iay.
Kidd: awe: nevermind.

👍69 👎13