Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hug whore?

someone who receives several hugs wherever, whenever, and from whomever.

Alex is such a hug whore.

👍31 👎19

hug whore - video


Hug whore - what is it?

Someone who over excessively hugs all her(yes, it's generally a woman) friends without regard for how insignificant it makes people feel by how you don't rate them like true friends.

Hug Whore 'Hey there, gimme a hug'
Friend 'Okay :)'
*They embrace for a short while*
Hug Whore 'Okay, I'm gunna go hug another'
Friend 'Oh, okay then :/'
*Friend left standing lost and dejected*

👍33 👎23

What does "hug whore" mean?

A person (usually a girl) who gives and recieves excessive amounts of hugs ALL THE TIME.

Liz: "I hate walking with Angie down the hallway."

Carlos: "oh. why?"

Liz: "She makes frequent stops to give or get hugs."

Carlos: "ohh, yeah.., i always hug her, she hugs everybody."

Liz: "Yeah thats Angie, such a hug whore"

👍41 👎21

Hug whore - what does it mean?

a person who gives and/or recieves many hugs daily from anybody.

god, eilish is such a hug whore!

👍27 👎25

Hug whore - meaning

A hug whore is somebody who goes around hugging many different people trying to find the right one with the best warmth so they can not be cold...

They do it a lot at concerts.
And during camping trips.

Allison: did you just see cameron hug all those people last night?
Mally: yeah he hugged like 10 different men just to find the best one for warmth.
Allison: such a hug whore.
Mally: ikr??

👍27 👎13

Hug whore - definition

a person who is always hungry for a hug. usually considered cute. however, is also a way for guys to cop a feel, supposedly innocently.

"omg i just saw jason yesterday. he's so overly friendly!"
"yeah. he's a real hug whore, huh?"

👍43 👎65

Hug whore - slang

someone (usually a girl) who loves hugging. they will hug anyone, even someone they didnt know just for the attention. sometimes they will even pay for hugs

Tom: How much did she give you?
Vin: Like $5
Tom: Wow. Shes a hug whore

👍37 👎27

Hug whore

Someone who hugs everyone all the time(24/7)

Caleigh is a hug whore

👍83 👎41

Hug whore

People who tend to give and receive an excessive amount of hugs daily - whether you like it or not.

Oh lawd! Breezy, Dianne and Matt are such hug whores! They're always going around the school and tackling people with their outburst of hugs!

👍95 👎47

Hug whore

Hug whore's are more mild versions of attention whores.
To get the attention they crave, they continuosly search for hugs and ask everyone they see for a hug by opening there arms

"Ellie stop hug whoring yourself."
"James your such a hug whore"

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