Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hotwing?

The act of shitting inside another persons anus

Kai-Rhys got bored one day so he did a Mexican hotwing with benji bobble

👍25 👎11

hotwing - meme gif

hotwing meme gif

hotwing - video


Hotwing - what is it?

1. Half-retarted canadian who bags bagged milk.

2. Someone whos video game skills is compared to utter shit. A.K.A worst paladin evar.

"Dude hotwing got owned by keto!"

👍35 👎33

What does "hotwing" mean?

act of giving oral sex to a female while she is on her period

Andrew: How was your date with Carmen?
Montel: Awesome! I had hotwings!
Andrew: Gross dude!!

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