Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hostess's?

A man/woman who attends to the needs of airline passengers. She serves drinks, snacks and sorts out safety measures. They also discpline the mile-high club.

I am going on a flight today, i am thirsty, where is the Air Hostess

👍99 👎37

hostess's - meme gif

hostess's meme gif

hostess's - video


Hostess's - what is it?

Another name for truckstop prositutes along the highway.

Where are all the highway hostess' at this TA?

👍43 👎13

What does "hostess's" mean?

A most dedicated hostess willing to please everyone.
Also- the most groovy put out chick...

This is a groovy party and you are the hostess with the mostest.

👍495 👎175

Hostess's - what does it mean?

A hostess bar, commonly Asian in nature, where men buy overpriced drinks for young women for conversation, attention, and in some cases sexual activity. The women get 50% to 75% of the drink price as payment.

In Hawaii, ladies drinks start at $20 and go up to thousands on occasion. Hostess bars exist for example in Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, Hawaii, and California. In Hawaii almost all are run by women of Korean or Vietnamese descent.

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Hostess's - meaning

When a guy sticks his penis in a girls vagina and squirts her full of sticky cream

Chad placed Keirsten on his bed removed her pants ripped off her panties and filled her up like a hostess!

👍457 👎27

Hostess's - definition

creaming your pants
vaginal secretion

That guy was so hot i just hostessed in my pants

👍65 👎151

Hostess's - slang

Straight lady that likes to hang out with twinky gay men.

Wow, look at that one girl surrounded by really twinkly men. She must be a Hostess!

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An exclamatory word used to compliment a person on a job well done. The word obtains its meaning from the 1990's marketing campaign of the "Hostess" brand snack cakes which used the phrase, "Now that's the stuff: Hostess!"

Your friend lands a sick trick off a ski jump

You: hostessssssssss! shit son, that was mad legit.

👍99 👎49


THe maker of all those obesity-inducing jellofied 'snack cakes' that everyone gives America shit for.

When I went to Spain all the kids yelled at me to go eat some Hostess Cream Cakes and bomb a country.

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The hot bitch at the front of a restaurant that asks you how many people in your party?

Hey Jessica can you come in and hostess tonight??

👍57 👎17