Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hooping?

Placing an foreign item or object in your rectum in an attempt to smuggle it into a location.

Gerald was caught hooping cigarettes into the Penn again.

👍171 👎53

hooping - meme gif

hooping meme gif

hooping - video

Hooping - what is it?

Screwed. An uncomfortable situation. In a bad situation that seems to have no way out. Comes from one of two meanings:

1) To have figuratively taken it up the ass (the hoop).

2) railway terminology where new (additional) work orders were passed along to a train crew. The orders were printed on paper, tied with string, and held up high on the end of a pole. The string had a loop for the trainman to lean out of the window of a moving train and aim his arm through the loop (hoop) to get the orders.

"How you gonna explain that to your wife?"
"I dunno man, I'm hooped."

Yardmaster: "Theres more work for you down the line."
Conductor:"Damn, Why can't we tie up and go home?"
Yardmaster: "I got the orders from above. I'll hoop them up to you."
Trainman to Conductor after grabbing order successfully: "We're hooped"

👍219 👎65

What does "hooping" mean?

the irish slang word for ass

aww lads, you should have seen the hoop on thebird i was with last night

👍263 👎69

Hooping - what does it mean?

A term used in prison for storing contraband within one's anus.

How can i get this butterfly knife on the yard to shank that shit talking scrap?
-Hoop it!

👍89 👎17

Hooping - meaning

The act of using a hula hoop.

Hooping can be done for fitness, fun, or performance, or art.


Example 1: Hooping at festivals is always a good time.
Example 2: Let's go to the park they are going to be hooping, at the flow jam.
Example 3: I got my first smarthoop last year but I have been hooping for longer.
Example 4: Infinitecircles is a community about hoops, hoopers, and hooping.

👍39 👎33

Hooping - definition

Causing a hoopla or a scene or being liable to do so on account of being in a state not conducive toward maintaining standard decorum and being in the presence of a relatively sizable audience.

When your head is spinning. Going around in circles mentally or physically. Being over excited, hyperactive or erratic. Typically indicates some loss of self control or coordination. Similar to hopping mad but not quite as intense. Unable to keep still and prancing/dancing around.

When someone says they are hooping it is usually to indicate that they should lower then expectations and not necessarily assume the person's superfluous movements or actions are the result of intent. This may describe a state with partial similarities to desperately needing to pee. See the urinal dance.

This is a little like saying you a tipsy, wasted, baked, drunk, buzzing or woozy except more toward being in more of an alert state than a sleepy inattentive state. It would tend to imply being loopy, dizzy, frantic, jittery, fidgety, etc. May suggest being distracted and perhaps panic. In some degree of disarray. Unable to entirely handle a situation or not being in a suitable state to fully conduct yourself accordingly.

Typically implies a state in response to having taken drugs and/or having received a shock.

Dave: Why are you so clumbsy all of a sudden?
Steve: That last hit seems to have gone to my head. I'm hooping all over the place.

👍25 👎11

Hooping - slang

To play basket ball at a park after midnight....

Last night we was all hooping and and we got kicked out from the park because the basketball hit a car and activated the alarm...

👍121 👎131


Putting crystal meth in your anus (ass), either in solid form or dissolved in water, resulting in a quick and intense high...and potential anal irritation. Having sex without a condom when you have an irritated rectum increases your chances for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Also, undissolved crystal in your ass can cause a condom to break.

hooping crystal (meth,speed,gak,sideways,fast etc)may cause a tear in the anal lining that can easily go unnoticed. Lowered inhibitions and barebacking (unprotected sex) can make for a risky combination for transmission of HIV and STIs.

👍159 👎155


It happens when an inmate smuggles something from the outside world up his ass into the prison.

Divo got caught hooping a DVD player from his cousin Etoile Jackson.

👍237 👎181


Administering psychoactive drugs via enema...aka stuffin' E up yer ass.

"C'mon gonna hoop that shit or what? I can't hold up the bottle of KY forever."

"Maaan...hooping is so dirty."

👍443 👎281