Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hollywooded?

acting fake

you saw your friend & made eye contact but they didn't speak ; Hollywood

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hollywooded - meme gif

hollywooded meme gif

hollywooded - video


Hollywooded - what is it?

"Hollywooding" or "getting Hollywooded" is the act of a person involved in creative arts at a production level (music producer/studio technician, filmmakers, et al) making excuses in similar fashion as a man buying a sports car or big house to compensate for having a tiny penis.

"That dingus just sent an email saying those tracks we're mixing will be late because his Dropbox maxed out when he was recording (insert semi-noteworthy band's name)."

"That pleb seriously Hollywooded you? He can't even edit a cymbal properly."

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What does "hollywooded" mean?

Where you wax your punani completley, so there is nothing left.

A:Where is your hair?
B:I had a hollywood..

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Hollywooded - what does it mean?

Adj. Describing the change in behavior of someone who has "made it" or think they have "made it," particularly in entertainment. Usually consisting of a poor attitude towards old things that one used to enjoy, acting conceited, spending lavish amounts of money, trading in old friends for new friends that are part of that scene, etc.

Sarah's been acting so hollywood ever since she got cast in that movie.

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Hollywooded - meaning

1. The place where actors and actresses lose their souls, fake emotions, make drama, and earn money for no apparent reason.

(Example 1 can be used for any kind of person, not just "actors" and "actresses")

"Is my house a 'Hollywood' if my little sister accounts for everything except for earning money for no apparent reason (that's my dad and his acting job)

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Hollywooded - definition

to be very humble. to let go your ego. to treat everyone important just like yourself.

tony is not hollywood he’s humble asf

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Hollywooded - slang

A nickname giving to those who are full of them self.

For example "Hollywood" thinks he is the shit when he gets all the girls...

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When a person is told their β€œacting Hollywood” that means the individual is acting bougie or acting like they’re better than a person. Usually the slang β€œHollywood” is said by individuals from NYC . And it means that a female or male is acting brand new like both individuals didn’t grow up in the SAME ENVIRONMENT .

Me . Yurr my G I just got the new 12’s
Him . Son I got the 12’s before you Nd two fits to go with it . Broke ass🀣
Me . Why you acting mad Hollywood ?! You think you better than me or sum B ?

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someone that is known for not answering messages or not being social to others besides their group of friends

That girl is Hollywood bro

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1. to conform or remake an original thought or idea based on a formulaic pattern for the sake of making money.
2. to ruin.
3. to dumb down.

That new film has been hollywooded so much, that it has absolutley nothing to do with the book.

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