Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hino?

He is hot and never misses but he gets 0 maidens.

Your so like Hino!

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hino - meme gif

hino meme gif

hino - video


Hino - what is it?


Hinoe kun it's 4am time for your thigh skull crush - Mindys wife to Hinoe

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What does "hino" mean?


Hinoe kun time for your thigh crush - mindys wife to Hinoe

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Hino - what does it mean?

*see sailormars*

Mars Star Power!

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Hino - meaning

She is the Sailor Mars from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon. Hino Rei is a young lady with a temper. She is angered easily and can do something about it by threatening to kill, which is possible. There is a good side, though. Rei is sweet and understanding and doesnโ€™t take matters lightly.

One of her personal comforts is the sacred flame of her Shinto religion. It never stops burning and is a guiding light in Reiโ€™s life. She is currently learning to be a priestess, and wishes school would end so she could help out at her grandfatherโ€™s temple better. The religion she follows has disciplined her well; Rei can communicate with the fire and sense when things are going wrong. Also, Rei has learned martial arts from her grandfather, which aides her short fuse.

To Usagiโ€™s dismay, Rei is a control freak. If itโ€™s not done her way, it wonโ€™t make her completely happy. They both fight constantly because the both of them start it. One minute theyโ€™re friends, the next theyโ€™re at each others' throats. But thatโ€™s how Rei is; her good and bad points are evenly balanced. Her compassion and love for good gives Hino Rei the strength she needs.

As Sailormars, controller of fire, she is powerful. Her command over the flame gives her a cutting edge over her opponents. Mars is a good Senshi who uses her brain as well as her strength. She was second to return after Sailormoon, and like Sailormercury, saved the day upon arrival. Using an ignited ball of fire as her first attack, Sailormars has always made the odds even.

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Hino - definition

Basically all the trucks which caused injuries and deaths in the Inazuma Eleven Anime/Game series. Hino, the creator is always seen as the devil who makes traumatic pasts for children, by using trucks, truck โ€œaccidentsโ€.
Although sometimes he uses other kinds of vehicles for example cars, the fandom calls all of them like this.

Person A: Hey do you know how Yuuka got into coma?
Person B: She was hit by a Hino-truck.

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Hino - slang

Hipster In Name Only - HINOs are like Hipsters, but only superficially. In Public, they may have beards, wear plaid, be seen in coffee shops, appear to be Vegan, listen to Indie Rock, embrace counter-culture and progressive politics. But in private, they are gluten-eating trust-fund babies, reading People and US Magazine, vote with The Tea Party, hate coffee, subscribe to Sarah Palin's new e-channel, blasting Rihanna and Demi Lovato tracks on their iWatches, and have never missed an episode of "Dancing with the Stars" and "American Idol". You will also find more Prada and Dolce in their closets, than American Outfitters, LL Bean, and Thrift shop items.

Imagine the disgust on Brody's face when he learned the truth about Jared, everyone favorite hipster. Jared, was nothing more than a HINO, who secretly lived in a Frat House and was a Engineering Major.

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An idiot person thatโ€™s dumb and not smart and needs to wear a helmet to school. Likes to scam people on fornite and when he eats he needs to rub the food on his lips first. Also is a janky idiot thatโ€™s so dumb and stupid.

Look an idiot. I mean look itโ€™s hino.

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Husband In Name Only

Refers to a legal husband that does not perform husbandly roles.

Unfortunately, l married my "ex". He is now my HINO.

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Cumshot.Greek word for male orgasm. Means to cum.
Same word for women too,for their orgasm.

1.Hino my baby.
2.I'm !!!
3.Hino mesa sto mouni. (i'm cumming inside pussy).

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