Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hilal?

she's so intractive,caring, stupid when it comes to love, sweet girl, likes to hurt herself for the sake of men, the most patient person, most wanted by men, bodygoalss of courseee...

don't forget to love yourself first


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hilal - meme gif

hilal meme gif

hilal - video


Hilal - what is it?

He's so annoying but I really like him! he is very easy to get along with and fun, so it's no wonder many girl like him other than handsome.

see this ya, hilal

im so miss you, i hope you always healthy and always happy!

by -z

👍25 👎11

What does "hilal" mean?

When you see a person that looks attractive to a certain degree and you find out that they have the same nationality as you, which is why they become much more attractive in your eyes

A: Hey Kaan look at this girl she is a solid 7
B: Yeah! Did you know she is also Turkish just like you?
A: Really? Damn that makes her a 9!
B: Hell yeah boi that the Hilal effect!

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Hilal - what does it mean?

A sweet nice gentle loving cute guy who always sticks by you side whenever you have a problem he will always be really nice

ayden hilal that's ayden wow so cute

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Hilal - meaning

The absolute best person in the world. Someone who will be there for u, by your side even at the worst times. You’d be so blessed to have a guy in your life named Hilal. Absolutely funny and sometimes dumb, well, all the time. But someone who u should keep dear to u at all times.

I love you Hilal

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Hilal - definition

More than just a nigga. The epitome of a G.

"Yo, who dat?"

"That's a Hilal, my brotha."

"Damn, he so fly."

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Hilal - slang

Fuck joe dina and matea

Hilal is so beautiful omg

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The absolute best person in the world. Someone who will be there for u, by your side even at the worst times. You’d be so blessed to have a guy in your life named Hilal. Absolutely funny and sometimes dumb, well, all the time. But someone who u should keep dear to u at all times.

I love you Hilal


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Hilal (Arabic: هلال , Turkish: hilal) is an Arabic term, first developed in pre-Islamic Arabia, meaning crescent moon--specifically, the very slight crescent moon that is first visible after a new moon.

Sighting of Hilal

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being very high. enjoy taking in marijuana. and other drugs.

known to fly at times.

Damn son. I'm so fuckin hilal right now. I am no longer physically able to move any of my limbs. dude pass the bong.

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