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What is heteroromantic bisexual?

This is the sexuality that is defined by an individual only dating the opposite gender, but having a sex attraction both for men and women.

“Hey, you’re a girl but you’re sexually attracted to girls & boys. Are you bisexual?”

“No, because I would only date the opposite gender. However, I am sexually attracted to both, so I identify as a heteroromantic bisexual.”

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heteroromantic bisexual - video


Heteroromantic bisexual - what is it?

Heteroromantic bisexual means where someone is attracted to both sexes, but would only have a relationship with the opposite sex.

Alice is attracted to Shannon and Lewis, but she would only have a relationship with Lewis because she is heteroromantic bisexual.

👍161 👎29

What does "heteroromantic bisexual" mean?

being sexually attracted to both me and women, but only romantically interested in the opposite sex

i identify as heteroromantic bisexual

👍271 👎29

Heteroromantic bisexual - what does it mean?

A person who is sexually attracted to both sexes but romantically attracted to only the opposite sex

George wants to have sex with John and not start a relationship with him. He also wants to have sex with Alice but he also wants to start a relationship with her, because he is heteroromantic bisexual.

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