Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hendricks?

It’s mean of what the students call one of the teachers because she is the best teacher and her king is George Straight.

Queen Hendricks I finished my spelling packet

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hendricks - meme gif

hendricks meme gif

hendricks - video


Hendricks - what is it?

A cool teacher who cosplays sailor moon.

Person 1: Our teacher is Mr. Hendricks

Person 2/ person 1's friend: Ah yes, the sailor moon cosplayer, he's chill, I follow him on tiktok.

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What does "hendricks" mean?

A brilliant person who believes the 1.6 is the superior Miata engine because it is.

Hey man did you see that new meme Zach Hendricks posted?
Yea that shit was fire bro.

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Hendricks - what does it mean?

Owner of Hendrick Motorsports, and the #5,24,25,48 teams on the Nextel Cup series, and the #5 Busch Series entry.

Rick Hendrick has had great success as a NASCAR team owner.

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Hendricks - meaning

Hottest woman alive. Unlike most actresses she actually has CURVES. Star of the brilliant TV show Mad Men.

Christina Hendricks is the most beautiful woman in theο»Ώ world. Ever.

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Hendricks - definition

The whitest person you’ll find in America

Ava Hendricks is sooo white

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Hendricks - slang

A stupid ass ginger that is awkward in public situations

did you see that hendrick

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You are so stupid that you are smart.

You are so fucking Hendricks.

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He is a freaking awesome ninja.
Beware of his flash kicks.
They can kill.
He also does graphical design/clothing design.
You should check it out.

Tom: **Getting up from a black out.** "Dude....what happened?"

Dave: "Well, Hendrick just totally ninja'd you with one of his flash kicks, while at the same time designing this pretty awesome shirt and putting it on me. All in mid-air!" **Looks down to point at the amazing design.**

Tom: "Oh..."

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A smart, funny, and cute guy who is determined and works hard at what he does. Whether it’s school work or athletics. He is a great basketball player who has a bright future in the NBA. He can make you laugh whenever you’re feeling down and is a thoughtful person. Not to mention he respects tf out of women. He never call them Hoes, thots, bitches, etc. He has a soft side and can be sensitive. He’s a smooth talker with the ladies. He can be friends with anyone seeing as how he’s such a kind person. Also people call him ranch cuz he be dressin. So, all in all, yo boy Hendrick is basically the best person you can meet. Better than anyone named Jason.

Damn Hendrick is such a nice person!!

Have you seen Hendrick. He’s dressed so well.
Lol Hendrick, you’re sooo funny .
Omg I have such a huge crush on Hendrick.

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