Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hell to the yeah?

Phrase used when showing excitement and agreement. You can change your voice to make it sound cooler if you think you are tight

"Give Randy the ball, he wants the ball!"
"And you want all the girls"

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hell to the yeah - video


Hell to the yeah - what is it?

Derived from "In the name of hell, Yes!", this saying expresses either great joy or agreement with either a speaker or an ongoing situation. It has been made popular by the WWE's (Formerly WWF) "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

"If you want to see Stone Cold open a can of whoop ass, gimme a Hell Yeah!"
Response: Hell Yeah!

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What does "hell to the yeah" mean?

Better than hell yeah. Used when you are extremely excited/happy for some reason or another.
Antonym: hells no

**Need something better than hells yeah? Try hell fucking yeah or hell fucking yeah bitch**

Hells yeah! Today is the last day of school!

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Hell to the yeah - what does it mean?

adverb. used to express both knowledge of NJ as well as express admiration and affirmation and acclimination of ideas or actions.

Hell Fuckin Yeah this word is going to be the word of the day.

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Hell to the yeah - meaning

Expressing your extreme satisfaction with the subject at hand

"Would you like to smash?

Me "why hell fuck yeah"

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Hell to the yeah - definition

even stronger than hells yeah. exponentially stronger. it might be the strongest phrase possible including both the words hell and yeah.

person 1: do you wanna get some mac and cheese later?
person 1: wow, i didn't realize you liked mac and cheese so much.

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Hell to the yeah - slang

The ultimate way to agree with someone having said "Fuck yeah" in a conversation. Simply saying "Hell Yeah" to their previously stated "Fuck Yeah."

Dude at gas pump #1: "Damn, the Rangers are kicking some ass this year"
Dude at gas pump #2: "FUCK YEAH"
Dude at gas pump #3: "HELL YEAH, FUCK YEAH"

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Hell to the yeah

An enthusiastic response given when tasty food is offered.

Zac: "How about we get some Harold's chicken?"

Mavis: "Hell yum yum yeah!"

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Hell to the yeah

This term is used by flaminhot, ultrahip, fantabulous females typically named Barbara, Janie Lee, Jane, Joyce, Laura, Susan, Melissa, Anna, Kitty, Coraline, Mimi, as verbal consent when a simple yes simply won't do.

You want some dinner?

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Hell to the yeah

Most definitely. Right on. Like hell yeah but with more authority. Usually said after a question or inquiry.

"Are you jazzed about the concert tonight? Hell to the yeah!"

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