Definder - what does the word mean?

What is hashish's?


“They were smoking some hashish
“That’s some damn niggerweed”

👍25 👎11

hashish's - meme gif

hashish's meme gif

hashish's - video


Hashish's - what is it?

disappearance of hashish from all the local 'apothecary shops' (ie: 'the drugsman') in the early eighties. my personal theory is that when the mid-east turmoil really picked up, smuggling became more problematic??

-hash has GOT to be easier to smuggle than pot!! -and yes, i HAVE heard of amsterdam before!! (been there twice and was like a kid in a candy store!!) -can't help but wonder if anybody in Afghanistan 'uses'?? -guess we'll hear about it ten years from now......

i about cried over the death of hashish

never would have thought there would be a death of hashish!!

👍29 👎13

What does "hashish's" mean?

someone who sells hashish for dope

abu hashish sells that dope for shit and he all gangsta and dang like dat

👍31 👎15

Hashish's - what does it mean?

A caaarrraaazzzyy baboon/monkey from Mumbia India! VERRRY GOOD!

He is very fur fur furry and likes to color color color!

Dude hashish baboon is harassing me again!

👍43 👎11

Hashish's - meaning

A nother name for marijuana, also the Arabic word for grass (the one on lawns).

1: No more hashish for you
2: C'mon dude

👍131 👎633

Hashish's - definition

Smokable softdrugs, the word is originally Dutch. In Amsterdam-accent, people tend to put 'ies' behind a lot of words (meissies, bakkies, fietsies, and hasjies). In English, hasjies is spelled hashish.

Hey, paas mij effe die hasjies man!
(Hey, pass me those hashish man!)

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Hashish's - slang

Associate Hachich (a type of cannabis) to Morocco is like associate Movies industry to America, Pizza to Italy, Potato to 9gag lol. Morocco is said to produce the best quality of hashish, known as Zero Zero, nearly half of the world's hashish.
The production of Hashish or Kif is strictly illegal in Morocco. It is illegal to cultivate, produce it, sell it and smoke it.

wanna buy some Hashish?
Hashish ...Free ticket.
Roll a joint of hashish.
" I smoke too much " Wiz Khalifa - Morocco - ( recognition the beauty of Moroccan weed )

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ARABIC IN ORIGIN a brick of compressed weed not the same thing as hash smoked out of a pipe and sometimes mixed with weed or tobacco because of its potency

lets go get that israeil hashish

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The cadillac of soft narcotics

hashish is the cadillac of soft narcotics

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A light or dark substance derived from the cannabis plant, processed by methods using alcohol and a low heat to create chunks and slabs (also created by other methods such as rubbing, not covered here) ready to ship abroad, or sell inland. it's the best (cheapest and easiest) way of shipping cannabis abroad, which is why England is full of the dirtiest, most polluted dark hash substance Soap Bar. The not-very-potent dark stuff (readily available by the kilo in England) should'nt be smoked due to the fact that it more than likely contains "mystery meat" such as plastic and other nasties. If you want to smoke dark hash, go to a country such as holland and buy some real stuff from a "coffee shop" ;). If i were you, id forget about hashish (except the good, strong stuff) and BLAZE THE CHRONIC INSTEAD!
People only smoke (dark) hashish in England because it is cheap. It is much weaker than greenery, but people do not notice this due to the fact that it barely takes a few milligrams of THC to get stoned!!!

Smoking hashish, toking hashish
eating hashish, sleeping hashish
buying hashish, crying hashish
stashing hashish, caching hashish!

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