Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ham water?

When a girl posses into a guys mouth, then he snowballs the cold piss into another guys mouth.

girl: “want some cold ham water?”
guy: “ Sure?”

5 minutes later
guy: “ I regret everything”

👍25 👎11

ham water - video


Ham water - what is it?

Ham water is the worst kind of water there is.

It’s worse than dog water, rice water, ALL THE WATERS.

You only call someone Ham water if you’ve never seen someone so bad in your life.

Teammate: Bro this kid is so bad at the game. He’s literally dog water.

Teammate 2: Nah bro, dude is literally so sus. He’s gotta be hacking. He’s couscous water for sure.

Teammate 3: NO. Bro is straight HAM WATER.

All teammates: Ohhhhhh! Literally ham water.

👍25 👎11

What does "ham water" mean?

When a man pisses into a girl's mouth, then she in turn snowballs the warm piss into another girl's mouth.

Everyone needs to try a hot ham water.

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Ham water - what does it mean?

Excessive fat in the feces. Causes a very oily turd and often foul smelling (not as if shit smells like a bouquet of roses in the first place). See also Steatorrhea for the clinical.

This ham water is oily and greasy. Not to mention stanks. I’ve got to cut out the fried chicken.

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