Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gyeu?

Gyeu does not only have one definition, but many. Gyeu can mean “god”. Gyeu can mean “guy”. And finally gyeu can mean “girl” too.

Oh my gyeu le gyeu est gyu.
Oh my gyeu, I hate online school.
Yo check la gyeu, elle est fire.

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gyeu - video


Gyeu - what is it?

(Gyawd) -, Montréal slang for: “God”.
(Gyeu) -, a noun that can mean: he/she , they/them.
(Gyu) -, Montréal slang for: “cute”.

Gyeu - word created by Ethan Perez and noah Bilodeau.

Kesspase mon gyeu, tu pull up live!! les gyeu sont gyu chez moi, oh my gyawd qui sont gyu!

“Oh my Gyaw le Gyeu est Gyu”. means:
Oh my god the “person” is cute

“Les gyeu sont gyu chez moi” meaning -, the girls are fire at my place.

“oh my gyawd qui sont gyu“ meaning -, oh my god they’re so fire!

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