Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gunmetal?

A level of depression that brings about self-destructive behavior, or even suicide.

Wow, she committed suicide? I knew she was depressed, but I didn't know she was full on Gunmetal Blue.

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gunmetal - meme gif

gunmetal meme gif

gunmetal - video


Gunmetal - what is it?

In the spectrum of gay, where white is straight and black is gay, if something is so close to black (gay) but questionably not black (gay) then it is classified as gunmetal gay to where it looks black (gay) but has an unnoticeable amount of white (straight).

Dude, pegging is gunmetal gay.

The gaydar is almost going off, it must be gunmetal gay.

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What does "gunmetal" mean?

The founder of the โ€ข Яร˜ร—ร—ร”ยฎz โ€ข ยฅรณรนr โ€ข bร–ร—ร—ร“Яz โ€ข Bruddaho0dโ„ข

"Wanna join t3h bruddaho0d? free co0ki3!"

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Gunmetal - what does it mean?

1. A mediocre fighter who can only knock people out miraculously with insane hits.
2. A color; black

1. Gunmetal pwned you then stole your gun.
2. Hey that hole is black. No it isn't, it's gunmetal.

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Gunmetal - meaning

The most metal type of metal; only the most boss of the bosses can be described as gunmetal.

Chuck Norris is the most gunmetal dude on the planet.

"I heard you climbed Mount Everest and then shredded down the slopes like a boss"
"Yea dude, I'm pretty gunmetal."

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