Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gum drops?

A little solid shit ball shaped like a gum drop,and taste like a gum drop.

Dedicated to:Cathrine Camp

Cathrine Camp was running around the house with a brown gum drop in her mouth.

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gum drops - video


Gum drops - what is it?

When an individual eats only Mexican candy and chicle for uno to tres days then defecates in another individuals mouth.

My wife is on a diet but she wants a Guadalajaran Gum Drop. I'll.feel like an enabler if i do it to her.

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What does "gum drops" mean?

When a chick shits on your balls and you Tea-Bag her face.

aww i love muddy gum drops. They're tasty

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Gum drops - what does it mean?

A girl who drops entirely too much Acid

"Omg did you see claire yesturday? She was up in a tree singing to the birds with oven mits on her hands!"

"Yeah thats why her nickname is Gum drop"

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Gum drops - meaning

Someone who is dependable, trustworthy, creative, and tends to know alot about various sexual acts.

avispa de miel: "hey whats a rim job?"
Gum drop: "look it up on urban dictionary (;"

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Gum drops - definition

When you go and take a shit in a really nasty bathroom and you decide to stand. During the wiping process you knock a lump of wet shit into your underwear or on the ground.

"These gum drops you gave me taste really bad!"

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Gum drops - slang

1. The cops, po-po, State Patrol, rent-a-cops, anyone wearing a uniform that is willing to kick you out of an area, pull you over, or give you a ticket.

2. Extremely long nipples

1. O crap i see the gum drops in the distance...RUN!

2. What were the nipples like? Were they gum drops?

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Gum drops

A Toothless Woman Dropping to her knees to perform Fellatio.

That Crack Ho is giving out Gum Drops for $25 a pop

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Gum drops

Tea bagging your scrotum on a toothless woman. Typically a toothless prostitute. However, someone’s grandma works too.

I was gum dropping that toothless meth whore last night.

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Gum drops

perverted midgets trying to get sumthing from 3 year old children that go to the zoo with there mommys and daddys trying to have a good time. Well let me tell u sumthing it was the midgets that in the end had the good time. "Once they come to my neverland house they aint never wanna come back, i meen go back.

look at those midget gum drops with the catch of the day.

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