Definder - what does the word mean?

What is glazer?

The act of saving up male goo-goo for months on in waiting for your friend to slip up. And then replacing the windshield wiper fluid with said goo-goo so when they go to wipe, it plasters their windshield with your hard work.

Tom was being a prick, so i decided to windshield glazer his ass! Been saving up for months!

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glazer - meme gif

glazer meme gif

glazer - video


Glazer - what is it?

The act of ejaculating onto the hymen of a virgin girl, thus glazing the cherry

My girlfriend chickened out of letting me take her virginity, so I ended up giving her a Cherry Glazer.

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What does "glazer" mean?

Someone who is a professional at "glazing" and is really good at it.

Bro Colby is a D1 Glazer, he keeps glazing me everyday and at this point he's D1 in glazing.

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Glazer - what does it mean?

Boot Glazer is one who glazes a womans boots after orgasm.

The Boot Glazer hasnt had a girl friend in a year and a half. Just happen to see a pair of his old girl friends boots in his bed when I used the bath room. Those boots must have gotten a good glazing last night.

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Glazer - meaning

A person who makes donuts(Stupid People) look even more stupid than what they are.

P.1 Guess what imma do today?
P.2 What..........?
P.1 Perfect being smart.
P.2 but ur closer to being a complete dumbass why struggle?

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Glazer - definition

A sports car with racing stripes on the hood used exclusively in many gay porn DVDs. The gayest of all cars.

"What kind of car did you buy?"
"I got a '72 'Vette with racing stripes on the hood."
"You bought a glazer? HAHA. Serves you right."

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Glazer - slang

Someone named Jackson who tip-rides

Jackson is such a glazer

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Top tier dickrider.

Random nigga: Me, personally I would never let anyone moss me in football

Me: stop glazing you fuccin glazer

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a dick rider

get off my dick u Glazer

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A slimy booger that is dripping out someone's nose.

Andy has a glazer coming out his nose.

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