Definder - what does the word mean?

What is gize?

to be used in place of a word one cannot remember at the time

can you get my keys......they're on....uhh.....uhhh that/the gizee gazoo

👍25 👎13

gize - meme gif

gize meme gif

gize - video


Gize - what is it?

A boy / male

That gizee is gay.

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What does "gize" mean?

Talkin like Snoopdogg

Me:I can't come tha fuck into work todizzle.

Boss:Excuse me?I can't understand you
Me:I'm gizing,my nigga

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Gize - what does it mean?

Sucks toes for money.

Get yo money 'Dustin Gize' up not yo funny up.

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Gize - meaning

the ghetto shortification of "ApoloGIZE", hence the Gize. much like Preesh = appreciate.
pronounciation - J-eye-ze.

"Gize for taking your parking spot this morning"

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Gize - definition


"I am SO gized about this Jagerbomb!" exclaimed Kelly

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Gize - slang

keren’s version of “guys

person: okay guys
keren: okay gize

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